Read to Grow is a Non-Profit Organisation

We depend on your support and dedication.

Read to Grow works as low-budget and sustainable as possible. Read to Grow pays 70 cents for transporting one book from giver to receiver. This can be done thanks to all the support we get from volunteers, individuals and businesses.

Financial Contribution

Make a Donation

BANK TRANSFER: Please donate to Read to Grow in Handel, the Netherlands, on account number NL87ABNA0624353753.

Our bank is ABNAMRO bank.

Recycle for zero waste

Donate Books

Do you have several boxes of books that you don’t use anymore? When these books are of good quality and completely in English or French, Spanish or Portuguese, you make us very happy when you like to donate them. We are especially looking for gently used children’s books.

Please let us know if you want to donate books and then please send them to the following address. In some cases, when you have large numbers of books, you can make an appointment with us so we can both contribute to the transport.


Read to Grow Storage
Gemertseweg 12A
5427 ET Boekel
The Netherlands

We collect books!

You can also hand in books at the following collection points in Holland.

Regio Helmond
Ons inzamelpunt voor Regio Helmond is komen te vervallen, maar u kunt terecht bij ons centrale magazijn in Boekel (adres hierboven: Jeanne van den Bosch)

Regio Den Bosch – Waalwijk

Mevr. José van Son
Tuinbouwweg 14
5254VJ Haarsteeg
Op woensdagen 13.00 – 15.00 u
of op afspraak:
T: 073-51 13 073

Regio Tilburg:
Mevr. Gisèle Doh,
Warmonderf 6
5936 AP Tilburg
Op afspraak brengen, bellen naar tel. 0615392613

Regio Den Haag:

Mevr. Sonia Sin
Huijgenspark 41
2515BA Den Haag
Op afspraak:
M: 06-24 22 50 45

Regio Nijmegen

Boekbindclub Dukenburg,
p.a. Wijkcentrum De Turf,
Malvert 5134
6538 DH Nijmegen
Op woensdagen 13.00-16.00 u / 18.30-21.00 u
of op afspraak:
T: 024-34 30 43 5

Regio Amsterdam / North Holland area

Mrs. Sherrie Zwail
M: 06-53 15 43 87

Please make an appointment by phone, then you will get the adress.